Helpful Tips
1. Most pool stores provide free water analysis. Take advantage of it. The best way to learn about your water chemistry is by working with an expert.
2. Always add chemicals to water, not water to chemicals. Some chemicals you may be using in your pool have a strong reaction with water. Serious chemical burns may result from improper handling.
3. Add an automatic chlorinator to your pool. The many benefits of controlling chlorine usage far outweigh the minimal cost of this accessory.
4. When filling water bags to secure a winter cover, only fill the bags 3/4 full to allow for expansion should they freeze.
5. When trying to find a leak in a vinyl liner, use a bottle of food coloring and a mask or goggles to locate the leak. Even a small leak will be apparent when dye is squirted in the general area.
6. If your pump is hard to prime, try the following:
· Close the skimmer and main drain valves immediately after turning off the pump; this traps water in the lines, allowing the pump to prime faster on restart. Open the valves back up immediately before you restart the pump.
· Try opening the bleed valve on the filter (if your filter has one). Close the valve when a steady stream of water comes from the valve. Bleeding the air from the system helps the pump prime easier.
7. To help troubleshoot a leak in your pool, perform these steps to determine whether the leak is in the pool itself or the pool plumbing:
· Mark the current water level with a piece of tape, and run the system for exactly 24 hours. Measure the amount of water loss and record.
· Fill the pool back up to the original mark, this time let the pool sit WITH THE SYSTEM OFF for 24 hours. Measure the amount of water loss and record.
· If your water loss is greater with the system running or off, the leak is probably in your pool plumbing. This would require a pressure test to locate the leak.
· If your water loss is the same regardless if the system is on or off, the leak is probably in the pool itself. This may require a SCUBA dive to try and locate the leak.
8. For stubborn algae that just won’t go away, some extra measures may be needed. Remember that anything that has been in the pool may be contaminated with algae, and could easily re-introduce algae into the pool.
· Clean pool equipment such as brushes, vacuum accessories, floats, toys, etc.
· Thoroughly clean all steps, ladder etc. Pay particular attention to the underside of ladder treads, a favorite place for algae.
9. If your PH is unusually low, chances are your alkalinity is also low and should be balanced first. You may not need a PH adjustment once the alkalinity is brought into proper range.
10. When planting and maintaining foliage around the pool/deck area, keep all fertilizers away from the pool. Some fertilizers react with chlorine in the pool and cause a perpetual chlorine demand. Algae is also a plant. Getting fertilizer in the pool could cause an algae bloom.
11. Learn the function of your control valves in your pool plumbing. Mark each valve clearly; skimmer, main drain, etc. with a permanent marker.
· Increase the flow through your skimmer (decrease main drain flow) to quickly clear the top of the pool of leaves and other debris.
· Increase the flow through your main drain (decrease skimmer flow) to clear a cloudy pool.
12. Contact the Expert Assistance Hotline for 24 hour emergency response information at